Saturday, October 8, 2016

Intellectual Thinking

Our next blog assignment is in regards to intellectual thinking. I believe it is always important for everyone to be critically thinking and analyzing things. Sometimes all we do is listen, but never really analyze or think on our own. We read an article titled “Universal Intellectual Standards” , this article discusses the importance of teachers asking questions, that allow the students to think. The article discusses eight standards essential in the reasoning
process. Although they each have a different purpose, they all stem from evaluating and questioning your thought process.
I believe relevance is one of the most important of the eight. You must ask yourself when writing a paper and doing many things if what you're saying and thinking is relevant. If what you are writing isn't relevant, is it teaching you anything? Is it engaging your audience, or teaching them something important? As a future teacher, I believe it is important to encourage to think about these items, such a relevance, accuracy, and logic. If teachers introduce these strategies from a young age students will gain a deeper understanding of how to use these techniques in many ways, not only in the education setting. I believe just like we learn a sequence to a story, that we should be taught through worksheets and assignments how to think intellectually. I believe the tools that could be used are worksheets to assist with organization of thoughts. I also think discussions within a class could be a resourceful way to learn from each other about deeper questions and reasoning. Overall it is a learning process that involves practice and continued learning from teachers and peers to achieve.

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